Source code for dpdispatcher.machine

import json
import pathlib
import shlex
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from typing import List, Tuple

from dargs import Argument, Variant

from dpdispatcher import dlog
from dpdispatcher.base_context import BaseContext

script_template = """\

script_env_template = """
REMOTE_ROOT=$(readlink -f {remote_root})
echo 0 > $REMOTE_ROOT/{flag_if_job_task_fail}
test $? -ne 0 && exit 1


script_command_template = """
cd {task_work_path}
test $? -ne 0 && exit 1
if [ ! -f {task_tag_finished} ] ;then
  {command_env} ( {command} ) {log_err_part}
  if test $? -eq 0; then touch {task_tag_finished}; else echo 1 > $REMOTE_ROOT/{flag_if_job_task_fail};fi
fi &

script_end_template = """
test $? -ne 0 && exit 1

FLAG_IF_JOB_TASK_FAIL=$(cat {flag_if_job_task_fail})
if test $FLAG_IF_JOB_TASK_FAIL -eq 0; then touch {job_tag_finished}; else exit 1;fi


[docs]class Machine(metaclass=ABCMeta): """A machine is used to handle the connection with remote machines. Parameters ---------- context : SubClass derived from BaseContext The context is used to mainatin the connection with remote machine. """ subclasses_dict = {} options = set() # alias: for subclasses_dict key # notes: this attribute can be inherited alias: Tuple[str, ...] = tuple() def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls is Machine: subcls = cls.subclasses_dict[kwargs["batch_type"]] instance = subcls.__new__(subcls, *args, **kwargs) else: instance = object.__new__(cls) return instance def __init__( self, batch_type=None, context_type=None, local_root=None, remote_root=None, remote_profile={}, *, context=None, ): if context is None: assert isinstance(self, self.__class__.subclasses_dict[batch_type]) context = BaseContext( # type: ignore context_type=context_type, local_root=local_root, remote_root=remote_root, remote_profile=remote_profile, ) else: pass self.bind_context(context=context)
[docs] def bind_context(self, context): self.context = context
# def __init__ (self, # context): # self.context = context # self.uuid_names = uuid_names # self.upload_tag_name = '%s_job_tag_upload' % self.context.job_uuid # self.finish_tag_name = '%s_job_tag_finished' % self.context.job_uuid # self.sub_script_name = '%s.sub' % self.context.job_uuid # self.job_id_name = '%s_job_id' % self.context.job_uuid def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) alias = [cls.__name__, *cls.alias] for aa in alias: cls.subclasses_dict[aa] = cls cls.subclasses_dict[aa.lower()] = cls cls.options.add(cls.__name__) # cls.subclasses.append(cls)
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_json(cls, json_path): with open(json_path) as f: machine_dict = json.load(f) machine = cls.load_from_dict(machine_dict=machine_dict) return machine
[docs] @classmethod def load_from_dict(cls, machine_dict): batch_type = machine_dict["batch_type"] try: machine_class = cls.subclasses_dict[batch_type] except KeyError as e: dlog.error( f"KeyError:batch_type; cls.subclasses_dict:{cls.subclasses_dict}; batch_type:{batch_type};" ) raise e # check dict base = cls.arginfo() machine_dict = base.normalize_value(machine_dict, trim_pattern="_*") base.check_value(machine_dict, strict=False) context = BaseContext.load_from_dict(machine_dict) machine = machine_class(context=context) return machine
[docs] def serialize(self, if_empty_remote_profile=False): machine_dict = {} machine_dict["batch_type"] = self.__class__.__name__ machine_dict["context_type"] = self.context.__class__.__name__ machine_dict["local_root"] = self.context.init_local_root machine_dict["remote_root"] = self.context.init_remote_root if not if_empty_remote_profile: machine_dict["remote_profile"] = self.context.remote_profile else: machine_dict["remote_profile"] = {} return machine_dict
def __eq__(self, other): return self.serialize() == other.serialize()
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, machine_dict): machine = cls.load_from_dict(machine_dict=machine_dict) return machine
[docs] @abstractmethod def check_status(self, job): raise NotImplementedError( "abstract method check_status should be implemented by derived class" )
[docs] def default_resources(self, res): raise NotImplementedError( "abstract method default_resources should be implemented by derived class" )
[docs] def sub_script_head(self, res): raise NotImplementedError( "abstract method sub_script_head should be implemented by derived class" )
[docs] def sub_script_cmd(self, res): raise NotImplementedError( "abstract method sub_script_cmd should be implemented by derived class" )
[docs] @abstractmethod def do_submit(self, job): """Submit a single job, assuming that no job is running there.""" raise NotImplementedError( "abstract method do_submit should be implemented by derived class" )
[docs] def gen_script(self, job): script_header = self.gen_script_header(job) script_custom_flags = self.gen_script_custom_flags_lines(job) script_env = self.gen_script_env(job) script_command = self.gen_script_command(job) script_end = self.gen_script_end(job) script = script_template.format( script_header=script_header, script_custom_flags=script_custom_flags, script_env=script_env, script_command=script_command, script_end=script_end, ) return script
[docs] def check_if_recover(self, submission): submission_hash = submission.submission_hash submission_file_name = f"{submission_hash}.json" if_recover = self.context.check_file_exists(submission_file_name) return if_recover
[docs] @abstractmethod def check_finish_tag(self, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError( "abstract method check_finish_tag should be implemented by derived class" )
[docs] @abstractmethod def gen_script_header(self, job): raise NotImplementedError( "abstract method gen_script_header should be implemented by derived class" )
[docs] def gen_script_custom_flags_lines(self, job): custom_flags_lines = "" custom_flags = job.resources.custom_flags for ii in custom_flags: line = ii + "\n" custom_flags_lines += line return custom_flags_lines
[docs] def gen_script_env(self, job): source_files_part = "" module_unload_part = "" module_purge = job.resources.module_purge if module_purge: module_unload_part += "module purge\n" module_unload_list = job.resources.module_unload_list for ii in module_unload_list: module_unload_part += f"module unload {ii}\n" module_load_part = "" module_list = job.resources.module_list for ii in module_list: module_load_part += f"module load {ii}\n" source_list = job.resources.source_list for ii in source_list: line = "{ source %s; } \n" % ii source_files_part += line export_envs_part = "" envs = job.resources.envs for k, v in envs.items(): if isinstance(v, list): for each_value in v: export_envs_part += f"export {k}={each_value}\n" else: export_envs_part += f"export {k}={v}\n" prepend_script = job.resources.prepend_script prepend_script_part = "\n".join(prepend_script) flag_if_job_task_fail = job.job_hash + "_flag_if_job_task_fail" script_env = script_env_template.format( flag_if_job_task_fail=flag_if_job_task_fail, remote_root=shlex.quote(self.context.remote_root), module_unload_part=module_unload_part, module_load_part=module_load_part, source_files_part=source_files_part, export_envs_part=export_envs_part, prepend_script_part=prepend_script_part, ) return script_env
[docs] def gen_script_command(self, job): script_command = "" resources = job.resources # in_para_task_num = 0 for task in job.job_task_list: command_env = "" command_env += self.gen_command_env_cuda_devices(resources=resources) task_tag_finished = task.task_hash + "_task_tag_finished" log_err_part = "" if task.outlog is not None: log_err_part += f"1>>{shlex.quote(task.outlog)} " if task.errlog is not None: log_err_part += f"2>>{shlex.quote(task.errlog)} " flag_if_job_task_fail = job.job_hash + "_flag_if_job_task_fail" single_script_command = script_command_template.format( flag_if_job_task_fail=flag_if_job_task_fail, command_env=command_env, task_work_path=shlex.quote( pathlib.PurePath(task.task_work_path).as_posix() ), command=task.command, task_tag_finished=task_tag_finished, log_err_part=log_err_part, ) script_command += single_script_command script_command += self.gen_script_wait(resources=resources) return script_command
[docs] def gen_script_end(self, job): job_tag_finished = job.job_hash + "_job_tag_finished" flag_if_job_task_fail = job.job_hash + "_flag_if_job_task_fail" append_script = job.resources.append_script append_script_part = "\n".join(append_script) script_end = script_end_template.format( job_tag_finished=job_tag_finished, flag_if_job_task_fail=flag_if_job_task_fail, append_script_part=append_script_part, ) return script_end
[docs] def gen_script_wait(self, resources): # if not resources.strategy.get('if_cuda_multi_devices', None): # return "wait \n" para_deg = resources.para_deg resources.task_in_para += 1 # task_need_gpus = task.task_need_gpus if resources.task_in_para >= para_deg: # pbs_script_command += pbs_script_wait resources.task_in_para = 0 if resources.strategy["if_cuda_multi_devices"] is True: resources.gpu_in_use += 1 if resources.gpu_in_use % resources.gpu_per_node == 0: return "wait \n" else: return "" return "wait \n" return ""
[docs] def gen_command_env_cuda_devices(self, resources): # task_need_resources = task.task_need_resources # task_need_gpus = task_need_resources.get('task_need_gpus', 1) command_env = "" # gpu_number = resources.gpu_per_node # resources.gpu_in_use = 0 if resources.strategy["if_cuda_multi_devices"] is True: if resources.gpu_per_node == 0: raise RuntimeError("resources.gpu_per_node can not be 0") gpu_index = resources.gpu_in_use % resources.gpu_per_node command_env += f"export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={gpu_index};" # for ii in list_CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: # command_env+="{ii},".format(ii=ii) return command_env
[docs] @classmethod def arginfo(cls): # TODO: change the possible value of batch and context types after we refactor the code doc_batch_type = "The batch job system type. Option: " + ", ".join(cls.options) doc_context_type = ( "The connection used to remote machine. Option: " + ", ".join(BaseContext.options) ) doc_local_root = "The dir where the tasks and relating files locate. Typically the project dir." doc_remote_root = "The dir where the tasks are executed on the remote machine. Only needed when context is not lazy-local." doc_clean_asynchronously = ( "Clean the remote directory asynchronously after the job finishes." ) machine_args = [ Argument("batch_type", str, optional=False, doc=doc_batch_type), # TODO: add default to local_root and remote_root after refactor the code Argument( "local_root", [str, type(None)], optional=False, doc=doc_local_root ), Argument( "remote_root", [str, type(None)], optional=True, doc=doc_remote_root ), Argument( "clean_asynchronously", bool, optional=True, default=False, doc=doc_clean_asynchronously, ), ] context_variant = Variant( "context_type", [ context.machine_arginfo() for context in set(BaseContext.subclasses_dict.values()) ], optional=False, doc=doc_context_type, ) machine_format = Argument("machine", dict, machine_args, [context_variant]) return machine_format
[docs] @classmethod def resources_arginfo(cls) -> Argument: """Generate the resources arginfo. Returns ------- Argument resources arginfo """ alias = [] for aa in cls.alias: alias.extend( ( aa, aa.lower(), ) ) return Argument( cls.__name__, dict, sub_fields=cls.resources_subfields(), alias=[cls.__name__.lower(), *alias], )
[docs] @classmethod def resources_subfields(cls) -> List[Argument]: """Generate the resources subfields. Returns ------- list[Argument] resources subfields """ return [ Argument( "kwargs", dict, optional=True, doc="This field is empty for this batch." ) ]
[docs] def kill(self, job): """Kill the job. If not implemented, pass and let the user manually kill it. Parameters ---------- job : Job job """ dlog.warning("Job %s should be manually killed" % job.job_id)