Source code for dpdispatcher.dp_cloud_server

import os
import shutil
import time
import uuid
import warnings

from dpdispatcher import dlog
from dpdispatcher.dpcloudserver import Client, zip_file
from dpdispatcher.dpcloudserver.config import ALI_OSS_BUCKET_URL
from dpdispatcher.JobStatus import JobStatus
from dpdispatcher.machine import Machine

shell_script_header_template = """
#!/bin/bash -l

[docs]class Bohrium(Machine): alias = ("Lebesgue", "DpCloudServer") def __init__(self, context): self.context = context self.input_data = context.remote_profile["input_data"].copy() self.api_version = 2 if "api_version" in self.input_data: self.api_version = self.input_data.get("api_version", 2) if "lebesgue_version" in self.input_data: self.api_version = self.input_data.get("lebesgue_version", 2) self.grouped = self.input_data.get("grouped", False) email = context.remote_profile.get("email", None) username = context.remote_profile.get("username", None) password = context.remote_profile.get("password", None) if email is None and username is not None: raise DeprecationWarning( "username is no longer support in current version, " "please consider use email instead of username." ) if email is None: raise ValueError( "can not find email in remote_profile, please check your machine file." ) if password is None: raise ValueError( "can not find password in remote_profile, please check your machine file." ) if self.api_version == 1: raise DeprecationWarning( "api version 1 is deprecated. Use version 2 instead." ) self.api = Client(email, password) self.group_id = None
[docs] def gen_script(self, job): shell_script = super(DpCloudServer, self).gen_script(job) return shell_script
[docs] def gen_script_header(self, job): shell_script_header = shell_script_header_template return shell_script_header
[docs] def gen_local_script(self, job): script_str = self.gen_script(job) script_file_name = job.script_file_name self.context.write_local_file(fname=script_file_name, write_str=script_str) return script_file_name
def _gen_backward_files_list(self, job): result_file_list = [] # result_file_list.extend(job.backward_common_files) for task in job.job_task_list: result_file_list.extend( [os.path.join(task.task_work_path, b_f) for b_f in task.backward_files] ) return result_file_list def _gen_oss_path(self, job, zip_filename): if hasattr(job, "upload_path") and job.upload_path: return job.upload_path else: program_id = self.context.remote_profile.get("program_id") program_id = self.context.remote_profile.get("project_id", program_id) if program_id is None: "can not find program id in remote profile, upload to default program id." ) program_id = 0 uid = uuid.uuid4() path = os.path.join("program", str(program_id), str(uid), zip_filename) setattr(job, "upload_path", path) return path
[docs] def do_submit(self, job): self.gen_local_script(job) zip_filename = job.job_hash + ".zip" # oss_task_zip = 'indicate/' + job.job_hash + '/' + zip_filename oss_task_zip = self._gen_oss_path(job, zip_filename) job_resources = ALI_OSS_BUCKET_URL + oss_task_zip input_data = self.input_data.copy() input_data["job_resources"] = job_resources input_data["command"] = f"bash {job.script_file_name}" # input_data['backward_files'] = self._gen_backward_files_list(job) program_id = self.context.remote_profile.get("program_id") program_id = self.context.remote_profile.get("project_id", program_id) if program_id is None: warnings.warn("program_id is compulsory.") job_id, group_id = self.api.job_create( job_type=input_data["job_type"], oss_path=input_data["job_resources"], input_data=input_data, program_id=program_id, group_id=self.group_id, ) if self.grouped: self.group_id = group_id job.job_id = str(job_id) + ":job_group_id:" + str(group_id) job_id = job.job_id job.job_state = JobStatus.waiting return job_id
def _get_job_detail(self, job_id, group_id): check_return = self.api.get_job_detail(job_id) assert check_return is not None, ( f"Failed to retrieve tasks information. To resubmit this job, please " f"try again, if this problem still exists please delete the submission " f"file and try again.\nYou can check submission.submission_hash in the " f'previous log or type `grep -rl "{job_id}:job_group_id:{group_id}" ' f"~/.dpdispatcher/dp_cloud_server/` to find corresponding file. " f"You can try with command:\n " f'rm $(grep -rl "{job_id}:job_group_id:{group_id}" ~/.dpdispatcher/dp_cloud_server/)' ) return check_return
[docs] def check_status(self, job): if job.job_id == "": return JobStatus.unsubmitted job_id = job.job_id group_id = None if isinstance(job.job_id, str) and ":job_group_id:" in job.job_id: group_id = None ids = job.job_id.split(":job_group_id:") job_id, group_id = int(ids[0]), int(ids[1]) if ( self.input_data.get("grouped") and ":job_group_id:" not in self.input_data ): self.group_id = group_id self.api_version = 2 dlog.debug( f"debug: check_status; job.job_id:{job_id}; job.job_hash:{job.job_hash}" ) check_return = self._get_job_detail(job_id, group_id) try: dp_job_status = check_return["status"] except IndexError as e: dlog.error( f"cannot find job information in bohrium for job {job.job_id}. check_return:{check_return}; retry one more time after 60 seconds" ) time.sleep(60) retry_return = self._get_job_detail(job_id, group_id) try: dp_job_status = retry_return["status"] except IndexError as e: raise RuntimeError( f"cannot find job information in bohrium for job {job.job_id} {check_return} {retry_return}" ) job_state = self.map_dp_job_state(dp_job_status) if job_state == JobStatus.finished: job_log = self.api.get_log(job_id) if self.input_data.get("output_log"): print(job_log, end="") self._download_job(job) elif self.input_data.get("output_log") and job_state == JobStatus.running: job_log = self.api.get_log(job_id) print(job_log, end="") return job_state
def _download_job(self, job): job_url = self.api.get_job_result_url(job.job_id) if not job_url: return job_hash = job.job_hash result_filename = job_hash + "" target_result_zip = os.path.join(self.context.local_root, result_filename) self.api.download_from_url(job_url, target_result_zip) zip_file.unzip_file(target_result_zip, out_dir=self.context.local_root) try: os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.context.local_root, "backup"), exist_ok=True) shutil.move( target_result_zip, os.path.join( self.context.local_root, "backup", os.path.split(target_result_zip)[1], ), ) except (OSError, shutil.Error) as e: dlog.exception("unable to backup file, " + str(e))
[docs] def check_finish_tag(self, job): job_tag_finished = job.job_hash + "_job_tag_finished""check if job finished: ", job.job_id, job_tag_finished) return self.context.check_file_exists(job_tag_finished)
# return # pass
[docs] def check_if_recover(self, submission): return False
# pass
[docs] @staticmethod def map_dp_job_state(status): if isinstance(status, JobStatus): return status map_dict = { -1: JobStatus.terminated, 0: JobStatus.waiting, 1: JobStatus.running, 2: JobStatus.finished, 3: JobStatus.waiting, 4: JobStatus.running, 5: JobStatus.terminated, 6: JobStatus.running, } if status not in map_dict: dlog.error(f"unknown job status {status}") return JobStatus.unknown return map_dict[status]
# def check_finish_tag(self, job): # job_tag_finished = job.job_hash + '_job_tag_finished' # return self.context.check_file_exists(job_tag_finished) DpCloudServer = Bohrium Lebesgue = Bohrium