Source code for dpdispatcher.slurm

import pathlib
import shlex
from typing import List

from dargs import Argument

from dpdispatcher import dlog
from dpdispatcher.JobStatus import JobStatus
from dpdispatcher.machine import Machine, script_command_template
from dpdispatcher.utils import RetrySignal, retry

# from dpdispatcher.submission import Resources

slurm_script_header_template = """\
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --parsable

[docs]class Slurm(Machine):
[docs] def gen_script(self, job): slurm_script = super(Slurm, self).gen_script(job) return slurm_script
[docs] def gen_script_header(self, job): resources = job.resources script_header_dict = {} script_header_dict["slurm_nodes_line"] = "#SBATCH --nodes {number_node}".format( number_node=resources.number_node ) script_header_dict[ "slurm_ntasks_per_node_line" ] = "#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node {cpu_per_node}".format( cpu_per_node=resources.cpu_per_node ) custom_gpu_line = resources.kwargs.get("custom_gpu_line", None) if not custom_gpu_line: script_header_dict[ "slurm_number_gpu_line" ] = "#SBATCH --gres=gpu:{gpu_per_node}".format( gpu_per_node=resources.gpu_per_node ) else: script_header_dict["slurm_number_gpu_line"] = custom_gpu_line script_header_dict[ "slurm_partition_line" ] = "#SBATCH --partition {queue_name}".format(queue_name=resources.queue_name) slurm_script_header = slurm_script_header_template.format(**script_header_dict) return slurm_script_header
@retry() def do_submit(self, job): script_file_name = job.script_file_name script_str = self.gen_script(job) job_id_name = job.job_hash + "_job_id" # script_str = self.sub_script(job_dirs, cmd, args=args, resources=resources, outlog=outlog, errlog=errlog) self.context.write_file(fname=script_file_name, write_str=script_str) # self.context.write_file(fname=os.path.join(self.context.submission.work_base, script_file_name), write_str=script_str) ret, stdin, stdout, stderr = self.context.block_call( "cd %s && %s %s" % ( shlex.quote(self.context.remote_root), "sbatch", shlex.quote(script_file_name), ) ) if ret != 0: err_str ="utf-8") if ( "Socket timed out on send/recv operation" in err_str or "Unable to contact slurm controller" in err_str ): # server network error, retry 3 times raise RetrySignal( "Get error code %d in submitting through ssh with job: %s . message: %s" % (ret, job.job_hash, err_str) ) elif "Job violates accounting/QOS policy" in err_str: # job number exceeds, skip the submitting return "" raise RuntimeError( "status command squeue fails to execute\nerror message:%s\nreturn code %d\n" % (err_str, ret) ) subret = stdout.readlines() # --parsable # Outputs only the job id number and the cluster name if present. # The values are separated by a semicolon. Errors will still be displayed. job_id = subret[0].split(";")[0].strip() self.context.write_file(job_id_name, job_id) return job_id
[docs] def default_resources(self, resources): pass
@retry() def check_status(self, job): job_id = job.job_id if job_id == "": return JobStatus.unsubmitted ret, stdin, stdout, stderr = self.context.block_call( 'squeue -o "%.18i %.2t" -j ' + job_id ) if ret != 0: err_str ="utf-8") if str("Invalid job id specified") in err_str: if self.check_finish_tag(job):"job: {job.job_hash} {job.job_id} finished") return JobStatus.finished else: return JobStatus.terminated elif ( "Socket timed out on send/recv operation" in err_str or "Unable to contact slurm controller" in err_str ): # retry 3 times raise RetrySignal( "Get error code %d in checking status through ssh with job: %s . message: %s" % (ret, job.job_hash, err_str) ) raise RuntimeError( "status command squeue fails to execute." "job_id:%s \n error message:%s\n return code %d\n" % (job_id, err_str, ret) ) status_line ="utf-8").split("\n")[-2] status_word = status_line.split()[-1] if not (len(status_line.split()) == 2 and status_word.isupper()): raise RuntimeError( "Error in getting job status, " + f"status_line = {status_line}, " + f"parsed status_word = {status_word}" ) if status_word in ["PD", "CF", "S"]: return JobStatus.waiting elif status_word in ["R"]: return JobStatus.running elif status_word in ["CG"]: return JobStatus.completing elif status_word in [ "C", "E", "K", "BF", "CA", "CD", "F", "NF", "PR", "SE", "ST", "TO", ]: if self.check_finish_tag(job):"job: {job.job_hash} {job.job_id} finished") return JobStatus.finished else: return JobStatus.terminated else: return JobStatus.unknown
[docs] def check_finish_tag(self, job): job_tag_finished = job.job_hash + "_job_tag_finished" return self.context.check_file_exists(job_tag_finished)
[docs] @classmethod def resources_subfields(cls) -> List[Argument]: """Generate the resources subfields. Returns ------- list[Argument] resources subfields """ doc_custom_gpu_line = "Custom GPU configuration, starting with #SBATCH" return [ Argument( "kwargs", dict, [ Argument( "custom_gpu_line", str, optional=True, default=None, doc=doc_custom_gpu_line, ) ], optional=True, doc="Extra arguments.", ) ]
[docs]class SlurmJobArray(Slurm): """Slurm with job array enabled for multiple tasks in a job"""
[docs] def gen_script_header(self, job): if job.fail_count > 0: # resubmit jobs, check if some of tasks have been finished job_array = [] for ii, task in enumerate(job.job_task_list): task_tag_finished = ( pathlib.PurePath(task.task_work_path) / (task.task_hash + "_task_tag_finished") ).as_posix() if not self.context.check_file_exists(task_tag_finished): job_array.append(ii) return super().gen_script_header(job) + "\n#SBATCH --array=%s" % ( ",".join(map(str, job_array)) ) return super().gen_script_header(job) + "\n#SBATCH --array=0-%d" % ( len(job.job_task_list) - 1 )
[docs] def gen_script_command(self, job): resources = job.resources # SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID: 0 ~ n_jobs-1 script_command = "case $SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID in\n" for ii, task in enumerate(job.job_task_list): command_env = "" command_env += self.gen_command_env_cuda_devices(resources=resources) task_tag_finished = task.task_hash + "_task_tag_finished" log_err_part = "" if task.outlog is not None: log_err_part += f"1>>{shlex.quote(task.outlog)} " if task.errlog is not None: log_err_part += f"2>>{shlex.quote(task.errlog)} " flag_if_job_task_fail = job.job_hash + "_flag_if_job_task_fail" single_script_command = script_command_template.format( flag_if_job_task_fail=flag_if_job_task_fail, command_env=command_env, task_work_path=shlex.quote( pathlib.PurePath(task.task_work_path).as_posix() ), command=task.command, task_tag_finished=task_tag_finished, log_err_part=log_err_part, ) script_command += f"{ii})\n" script_command += single_script_command script_command += self.gen_script_wait(resources=resources) script_command += "\n;;\n" script_command += "*)\nexit 1\n;;\nesac\n" return script_command
[docs] def gen_script_end(self, job): # We cannot have a end script for job array # we may check task tag instead return ""
@retry() def check_status(self, job): job_id = job.job_id if job_id == "": return JobStatus.unsubmitted ret, stdin, stdout, stderr = self.context.block_call( 'squeue -h -o "%.18i %.2t" -j ' + job_id ) if ret != 0: err_str ="utf-8") if str("Invalid job id specified") in err_str: if self.check_finish_tag(job):"job: {job.job_hash} {job.job_id} finished") return JobStatus.finished else: return JobStatus.terminated elif ( "Socket timed out on send/recv operation" in err_str or "Unable to contact slurm controller" in err_str ): # retry 3 times raise RetrySignal( "Get error code %d in checking status through ssh with job: %s . message: %s" % (ret, job.job_hash, err_str) ) raise RuntimeError( "status command squeue fails to execute." "job_id:%s \n error message:%s\n return code %d\n" % (job_id, err_str, ret) ) status_lines ="utf-8").split("\n")[:-1] status = [] for status_line in status_lines: status_word = status_line.split()[-1] if not (len(status_line.split()) == 2 and status_word.isupper()): raise RuntimeError( "Error in getting job status, " + f"status_line = {status_line}, " + f"parsed status_word = {status_word}" ) if status_word in ["PD", "CF", "S"]: status.append(JobStatus.waiting) elif status_word in ["R"]: status.append(JobStatus.running) elif status_word in ["CG"]: status.append(JobStatus.completing) elif status_word in [ "C", "E", "K", "BF", "CA", "CD", "F", "NF", "PR", "SE", "ST", "TO", ]: status.append(JobStatus.finished) else: status.append(JobStatus.unknown) # running if any job is running if JobStatus.running in status: return JobStatus.running elif JobStatus.waiting in status: return JobStatus.waiting elif JobStatus.completing in status: return JobStatus.completing elif JobStatus.unknown in status: return JobStatus.unknown else: if self.check_finish_tag(job):"job: {job.job_hash} {job.job_id} finished") return JobStatus.finished else: return JobStatus.terminated
[docs] def check_finish_tag(self, job): results = [] for task in job.job_task_list: task_tag_finished = ( pathlib.PurePath(task.task_work_path) / (task.task_hash + "_task_tag_finished") ).as_posix() results.append(self.context.check_file_exists(task_tag_finished)) return all(results)